

Double color mold: two kinds of plastic materials are molded on the same injection molding machine, and are molded in two times, but the products only die once. Generally, this molding process is also called double injection molding, usually by a set of molds, and a special two-color injection molding machine is needed.
Overmold: two kinds of plastic materials do not have to be injected into the same injection machine and are molded in two times. After taking out the mold from a set of moulds, the product is then placed in another set of moulds for second injection molding. Therefore, the general molding process is usually done by two sets of molds instead of a special two-color injection molding machine.
Double color mold and overmold overview: the design should pay attention to the positioning of overmold, need to make the adhesive sealing and the reverse slope on the rubber parts to prevent the deformation of the glue. Double color mold is becoming more and more popular in the market at present. This process can make the appearance of the product more beautiful, easy to change color but can not be sprayed, but the cost is expensive, also needs high technical requirements.
  1. The two shapes of Cavity are different, forming one kind of products respectively. And the two shapes of the Core are exactly the same.
  2. the front and rear mould of the die must be 180degree after the center rotates. This check action must be done at design time.
  3. pay attention to the position of the pinhole of the top, the minimum distance 210mm. Large mold must be properly increased the number of rod holes. Moreover, because the thimble attached to the injection molding machine is not long enough, we must design an elongated thimble in the mold, and the thimble will grow about 150mm of the mold base. 2 positioning rings must be designed on the back die floor.
  4. the total thickness of the front panel plus A board should not be less than 170mm. Please take a closer look at other reference data of this type of injection molding machine, for example, the maximum thickness of the injection mold, the minimum thickness of the mold, the distance between the top hole and so on.
  5. the water outlet of the three plate die is preferably designed to be automatically demoulding. Special attention should be paid to whether the ejection action of the soft rubber nozzle can be *. 6. the depth of the SPRUE in the front side does not exceed 65mm. The distance from the top of the upper side (SPRUE) to the center of the mold is not less than 150mm.
  6. in designing second injection moulded CAVITY, we can design a part of avoiding the first place of the product that has been molded by CAVITY. However, it is necessary to carefully consider the strength of each sealing site, that is, in the injection molding, will there be a plastic deformation under the large injection pressure, which may lead to the possibility of a batch front in the second injection molding.
  1. in designing second injection moulded CAVITY, we can design a part of avoiding the first place of the product that has been molded by CAVITY. However, it is necessary to carefully consider the strength of each sealing site, that is, in the injection molding, will there be a plastic deformation under the large injection pressure, which may lead to the possibility of a batch front in the second injection molding.
  2. injection molding, the first injection molding product size can be slightly larger in order to make it in the second molding can be more tight with the other CAVITY, in order to meet the sealing effect.
  3. pay attention to whether the flow of plastic will be impulsive in the second injection process, so that the first molded product will deform its glue position. If this is possible, we must try to improve it.
  4. before A or B plate clamping, pay attention to whether the front mold Slider or Lifter will first reset and crush the product. In this way, we must try to make the A and B boards die first, then the SLIDER or LIFET of the front die can be reset.
  5. two CAVITY and CORE water distribution as far as possible, and balanced, the same.
12.99% situarion is to first inject the hard rubber part of the product, and then injection the soft rubber part of the product. Because the soft glue is easy to deform.

About JasonMould Industrial Company Limited:
JasonMould Industrial Company Limited is a leading plastic injection molding manufacturer in China. The company had established in the year 2010. The company has made a reputation of being one of the finest plastic mold producers in China. They are great at making medical equipment, appliances, electronic equipment and even safety equipment.
For more about custom manufacturer of plastic molding products,please visit https://www.jasonmolding.com/
Inquiry Contact:
Contact person: James Yuan
Company name: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited
Address: LongGang Village,LongXi Town,BoLuo County,HuiZhou City,GuangDong Province, China
Telephone: 86-752-6682869


When you begin a plastics design and engineering project, the goal is to create and manufacture a quality injection molded component. To accomplish that, you’ll want to consider front-ending some essential parts of the designing and engineering process so the actual plastic injection molding manufacturing process will operate smoothly. This will ultimately save you time and money in the long run.
  1. Select The Right Material
This may be the most straightforward rule of the previous four. Determine what material is right for your part. Is this a medical part? An automotive part? What are the requirements? Does it need to be flexible or rigid? Does the part need to withstand extreme cold or hot temperature? What material do other similar parts use? These questions are just the beginning. Thoroughly research which material works the best for the specific part you’re looking to produce.
  1. Make Sure The Wall Thickness Is Uniform
Making sure that the wall thickness of your part are as uniform as possible to avoid warpage, sink marks, voids, flow restrictions and longer, uneven cooling times. If uneven wall thickness is essential to the part, try to strive for smooth transitions that gradually taper.
  1. Try To Avoid Undercuts
Undercuts make it difficult to de-mold your part. The undercut piece of plastic will get lodged inside the mold once the part has hardened and cooled, making it difficult to eject the part from the mold. When undercuts are necessary to the part, and not a byproduct, many manufacturers have lifting mechanisms and side actions to help de-mold the part.
  1. Try To Avoid Sharp Corners
Try to avoid designing and engineering a part with sharp, squared edges. Sharp edges, like 90-degree angles, produce parts with molded-in stresses. The results are weak points within the part, which leads to cracking and/or part failure. If your part must have a sharp corner, adding a radius or several radiuses will reduce the higher levels of molded-in stress. The radius will redistribute the stress and allow the material to flow more evenly, thus avoiding breakage or failure.
  1. Make Sure To Consider Warpage And Shrinkage
Materials cool and shrink differently when your injection molded part cools. Warpage and shrinkage are both kinds of distortion that can happen during the cooling process. Warpage distorts the dimensions and is often caused by excess stress on the part itself. Shrinkage occurs when there’s a difference between the linear dimension of the molded part and the mold itself. In order to prevent one or the other, pay close attention to the tooling, part geometry and processing of the part.

About JasonMould Industrial Company Limited:
JasonMould is one of the best plastic injection molding manufacturer that offer great services to their clients when it comes to manufacturing advanced molding tools. They export their tools to different parts of the world and have become one of the most famous names in the industrial sector.
Inquiry Contact:
Contact person: James Yuan
Company name: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited
Address: LongGang Village,LongXi Town,BoLuo County,HuiZhou City,GuangDong Province, China
Telephone: 86-752-6682869



With the rapid development of digital technology and numerical control machine tool technology, different types and different types of CNC machine tools have been introduced into the mold manufacturing industry. The processing requirements for the space surface and difficult processing materials in the traditional manual die processing methods have been solved, and the use scope of the processing materials has also been expanded in the same time. . In recent years, through the extensive application of NC special CNC machining technology, it can be found that it has the following characteristics:
1.NC special machining technology can perfectly process all kinds of materials with high hardness, soft texture and high melting point, and will not be controlled by any external forces. At the same time, no manual intervention is needed in the processing process, and the accuracy of the machining can be corrected and compensated by using the relevant software.
2. When machining parts that need high accuracy machining, CNC machine tools can use their better flexibility to solve the problem of diversity effectively. Therefore, NC special machining technology has no limitations on the strength of processed materials. He can even process parts of various materials.
3. For a very small hole in the part or a little slit, the NC special processing technology can also get very accurate numerical value, process it with very high precision, and the precise machining characteristics of the NC special machining technology can effectively improve the production efficiency, and the parts are very complex for some processing. Parts, production efficiency increased more, can reach ten times, or even higher.
4. Some CNC machine tools can be used in one machine, because they have a lot of replacement devices and can be replaced at any time. This can not only save the cost of the machine, improve the efficiency, increase the profit, but also save the area of the area to reduce the rent. Thermal stress, the remaining thermal stress can be cooled to make hardening and so on, and the size difference of each part can almost remain stable.

About JasonMould Industrial Company Limited:
JasonMould Industrial Company Limited is a leading plastic injection molding manufacturer in China. The company had established in the year 2010. The company has made a reputation of being one of the finest plastic mold producers in China. They are great at making medical equipment, appliances, electronic equipment and even safety equipment.
For more about custom manufacturer of plastic molding products,please visit https://www.jasonmolding.com/
Inquiry Contact:
Contact person: James Yuan
Company name: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited
Address: LongGang Village,LongXi Town,BoLuo County,HuiZhou City,GuangDong Province, China
Telephone: 86-752-6682869