

Helpful Information for Injection Molding
Injection mold manufacturing plays a key role in a wide range of production engagements. One of the biggest benefits of this type of process is seamless mass production. Implementing injection mold manufacturing in your output cycle enables your business to replicate an infinite number of the same component in succession and with flawless results.
Beyond granting the ability to mass-produce specific parts/components, injection mold manufacturing also delivers many other benefits. An advantage to using this production option in a wide range of industries is the low amount of waste. Unlike traditional tactics that leave significant portions of materials behind after the cycle is complete, injection molding minimizes scrap remains. As a result, many business owners find this procedure both efficient and budget-friendly.
What To Consider Before Moving Forward With This Approach
While this type of manufacturing method delivers a wide range advantages, there are a few critical factors to consider before determining if it’s the right approach for your project. Some considerations include:
Initial Tooling
The initial tooling means designing and prototyping a mold tool. This requires working with a trusted partner to create the tooling to make a precise final piece to use for replication.
Lead Times
Once the prototype design is complete, output occurs rapidly. However, ramping up and working through tooling does take time. When considering various manufacturing options, you will have to evaluate lead times to know if you have the bandwidth for this type of process.
Changes in Design
Additionally, you will also want to consider if your design might change throughout the process. Once you’ve created the prototype, you will not be able to modify it without beginning the tooling process all over again. Changing your initial design may result in waste and scrap or even require you to start over completely, resulting in loss of both time and money.
Size of Product
The size of the product you wish to mass-produce can also have an impact on the manufacturing method you will use. Injection mold manufacturing works best with smaller items that can be created in a single cycle. If you require tooling for larger items that may need multiple cycles, you may want to think about other output options.
Choose the Right Provider
Perhaps the biggest consideration when selecting the right production method for your engagement is choosing the right manufacturer for your job. When screening through prospective vendors, look for a company that has extensive experience in your specific vertical. Knowing that your entrusting your business to a team with previous industry insight can have a major impact on your overall engagement. Some vendors may seem less expensive at first; however, moving forward based solely on price with a firm that doesn’t have the experience needed for efficiency can actually cost more in the long run.

About JasonMould Industrial Company Limited:
JasonMould is one of the best plastic injection molding manufacturer that offer great services to their clients when it comes to manufacturing advanced molding tools. They export their tools to different parts of the world and have become one of the most famous names in the industrial sector.
Inquiry Contact:
Contact person: James Yuan
Company name: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited
Address: LongGang Village,LongXi Town,BoLuo County,HuiZhou City,GuangDong Province, China
Telephone: 86-752-6682869



PVC material is amorphism material, usually when injection molding the PVC material, it will also add stabilizer, lubricant, antiimpact agent and others. PVC material is with low flammability, high strength .PVC material Chemical and physical prosperity: PVC is the most extensive used plastic material.
Runner and injection gate: all the normal injection gate can use, if the plastic parts is very small, then it will be better to use valve gate or submarine gate, for the large plastic parts with thick wall, then it will be better to use fan-shaped gate type. The valve gate smallest diameter should be 1mm or bigger.
Injection molding process condition
1.Material dry: usually it don’t need dry.
2.Melt temperature: 185~205 degree.
3.Mould temperature:20~50 degree.
4.Injection pressure: up to 1500bar.
5.Holding pressure: up to 1000 bar.
6.Injection speed: in order to avoid material degradation, usually use fast injection speed.

About JasonMould Industrial Company Limited:
JasonMould is one of the best plastic injection molding manufacturer that offer great services to their clients when it comes to manufacturing advanced molding tools. They export their tools to different parts of the world and have become one of the most famous names in the industrial sector.
Inquiry Contact:
Contact person: James Yuan
Company name: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited
Address: LongGang Village,LongXi Town,BoLuo County,HuiZhou City,GuangDong Province, China
Telephone: 86-752-6682869


In today’s global market, the manufacturing industry has had to continuously evolve with the needs of a worldwide market place. One key area of change? Plastic molding and reproduction.
A cornerstone of many manufacturing endeavors, plastic, once a brittle, hard-to-manipulate material, has (through the introduction of various polymers) transformed into a strong, versatile and flexible product capable of use in a virtually endless litany of industries. From smartphones and computers to cars and medical equipment, today’s custom plastic components have truly revolutionized the way manufacturers throughout the world can respond to client requests and meet deliverable deadlines. How? By enabling manufacturing facilities to output an endless supply of identical custom plastic components that fit together with other pieces easily and seamlessly.
Important Benefits Of Using Custom Plastic Components
Before the process of custom plastic components was perfected, manufacturing firms had to continuously recast and reproduce various pieces and parts. Not only did this prove a major waste of time for organizations struggling to meet deadlines, repeatedly being forced to “reinvent the wheel” on a project could cause major quality concerns since each batch created could have its own distinctive set of esthetic and functional characteristics. Incorporating a process for custom plastic components instantly eliminates the possibility of varying quality levels in different batches in the same project. Instead, because every high-quality piece is created in an identical method, an instant (read: simpler and more easily affordable) quality assurance process is achieved.
Beyond an enhanced quality control procedure, custom plastic components also offer manufacturers an extensively streamlined overall production experience. Every identical piece delivers quick, reliable assembly. This optimal efficiency not only helps keeps costs at a minimum, but it also helps ensure that products are assembled and ready for shipment faster than other, more manual, processes.
Best of all, incorporating custom plastic components can also offer lower scrap/waste percentages. It’s no secret that the manufacturing industry can often find itself plagued with an exorbitantly high scrap ratio on various projects. Custom plastic components and their inherently high-quality output change this. By using unparalleled cutting precision on every batch, fewer materials are scrapped. Additionally, any leftover materials can be saved for future project runs to ensure that wasted raw materials are kept to a minimum while profits remain at a maximum.
What To Look For When Sourcing Custom Plastic Components Producers
As with any professional partnership, it’s important to do your research when sourcing a firm to produce custom plastic components for your organization. Training, skill level and experience are all critical factors to consider when wading through a potentially exhausting list of industry “experts” all vying for your business. Beyond operational tenure, it’s critical to also look for a firm that offers optimal confidentiality throughout your partnership. The vendor you choose will have access to an extensive range of proprietary product information. Finding a reputable and qualified firm like JasonMould Plastics that makes confidentiality a top priority is imperative to ensure that you receive the discretion you deserve throughout your project’s entire duration for optimal peace of mind and return on investment. To learn more about how to improve your bottom line with custom plastic components, contact us today!

About JasonMould Industrial Company Limited:
JasonMould is one of the best plastic injection molding manufacturer that offer great services to their clients when it comes to manufacturing advanced molding tools. They export their tools to different parts of the world and have become one of the most famous names in the industrial sector.
Inquiry Contact:
Contact person: James Yuan
Company name: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited
Address: LongGang Village,LongXi Town,BoLuo County,HuiZhou City,GuangDong Province, China
Telephone: 86-752-6682869



Quality Custom Plastic Components
Molded plastic has come a long way in recent years. Once a brittle, short-lived item, today’s molded plastics can be made from thousands of different polymers that provide durability, strength, and flexibility to the production of countless automotive, medical, electronic, and consumer products. These products provide the added advantage of creating consistently identical parts that require minimal assembly after production. Quality assurance is built in at a significant savings.
Custom plastic components are engineered by professionals to meet a client’s specifications. Then a die is created, and, for a fraction of other manufacturing costs, production begins, creating thousands of identical, high-quality units. Since each piece is identical to every other one produced, quality control is made simple and affordable.
How Are They Used?
These parts can be used to manufacture everything from lawn furniture to automotive OEM parts. Medical products, electronics, telecommunication devices, toys, and business machines are just a few other examples of how consistently identical, high-quality, affordable parts are used in today’s manufacturing.
Streamlined Production
Once a die is created, production is surprisingly fast and affordable. The parts that are produced are easily assembled and ready for shipment. Since complications are eliminated during the design phase, parts are reliable and consistent. Easy repetition makes the entire process work more smoothly, cutting costs and ensuring product quality.
Minimize Waste
Many other manufacturing processes are inherently wasteful. By using custom plastic components, raw material waste is significantly reduced. Well-made dies can last for years or even decades. Scraps of polymer left over from a previous product run can be used in the next run. By not wasting the raw materials, costs are cut and profits increase.
Seamless Logistics
Partnering with an injection mold manufacturer will not only cut production costs and boost product quality, it will also streamline the logistics involved with the manufacture and delivery of product parts. Nothing halts an assembly line faster than poor inventory control. The perfect part does no good if it is late being delivered. Working with a professional injection mold manufacturer means that your custom plastic components arrive on time, at your door, ready for use.
It is imperative that companies protect their intellectual property rights and innovative designs. Working with reputable suppliers ensures that competitors do not learn more than they should about your product. Lost innovations mean lost sales.
Compare Manufacturers
There is a wide variety of injection mold manufacturers, which means it is important to understand what to look for. Companies that offer informative videos, customer testimonials, and extensive product information are far more likely to be reliable and protective of your interests. One way to compare suppliers is to visit their facilities. If the machinery and facilities are well maintained, it is more likely that they take their job and your order seriously.
Custom plastic components make it easy to save money while providing high-quality products, whether on short run, small orders, or extensive, global manufacturing efforts.

About JasonMould Industrial Company Limited:
JasonMould is one of the best plastic injection molding manufacturer that offer great services to their clients when it comes to manufacturing advanced molding tools. They export their tools to different parts of the world and have become one of the most famous names in the industrial sector.
Inquiry Contact:
Contact person: James Yuan
Company name: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited
Address: LongGang Village,LongXi Town,BoLuo County,HuiZhou City,GuangDong Province, China
Telephone: 86-752-6682869



Plastic materials is the most significant section of plastic injection molding. However, have you ever thought what is plastic or what made up of plastic?
Practically stated, a plastic is an organic polymer, available in some resin form or some form derived from the basic polymerized resin. These forms can be liquid or paste-like resins for embedding, coating, and adhesive bonding, or solid pellets that they can be molded, laminated, or formed shapes, including sheet, film, or larger-mass bulk shapes.
Plastic materials mainly made up of resins and additives. The basic characteristics of plastic hinges on what kind of resins be used. And the additives plays a role of in improving the processing performance and reducing the cost.

Resins are typically polymers of high molecular mass, but they often contain other substance. They are usually synthetic, most commonly derived from petrochemicals(synthetic organic solids), but many are partially natural(semi-synthetic organic solids).

Most plastic contain other organic or inorganic compounds blended in. The amount of additives ranges from zero percentage for polymers used to wrap foods to more than 50% for certain electronic applications. The average content of additives is 20% by weight of the polymer.
Since many organic polymers are too rigid for particular applications, they are blended with plasticizers, oily compounds that confer improved rheology. Stabilizing additives include fire retardants to lower the flammability of the material. Colorants are common additives, although their weight contribution is small. Filler improve performance or reduce production costs. Many plastics contain fillers, relatively inert and inexpensive materials that make the product cheaper by weight. Typically fillers are mineral in origin. Some fillers are more chemically active and are called reinforcing agents.

About JasonMould Industrial Company Limited
Jasonmould is plastic injection molding manufacturer– injection mold, die casting moulds, plastic blow molding, rotational molding, medical plastic injection molding, two shot plastic injection molding, insert molding, overmolding, metal injection molding, micro injection molding, powder injection molding, ceramic injection molding, liquid injection molding, husky injection molding, household mold, casting mold, die mold tool, custom molds, china moulds, rapid prototyping tooling, plastic prototyping tooling, punch press tooling, die and tooling for mobile/ cell phone parts, automotive parts, vacuum cleaners, rechargeable tools, telephones, copiers, computers, multimedia speakers, and many other electronic products and household appliances. And also a plastic product manufacturer- plastic parts, plastic water tank, plastic balls, plastic containers, plastic buckle, plastic anchor, plastic hanger, plastic spoon, plastic pipe fitting, plastic tumble, plastic tableware, plastic cups, plastic bottles, plastic tray, plastic cosmetic container, plastic case, plastic food container, plastic chairs, plastic caps, plastic cap closure, plastic tubes, plastic water pipes, plastic knobs, plastic tubing, plastic utility boxes, plastic racks and so on.
Person: James Yuan
Company: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited
Add:  LongGang Village,LongXi Town,BoLuo County,HuiZhou City,GuangDong Province, China
Tel: 86-752-6682869
Email: james@jasonmolding.com



What is injection molding:
Plastic injection molding is a process that forces liquid plastic into a mold to make custom plastic name plates, plaques, signs and product branding elements. Once the plastic cools and solidifies, it releases from the mold to form a variety of plastic parts for any industry. Popular uses of injection-molded include: appliance name plates, name plates for industrial equipment, car emblems, vehicle branding and license plate holders, as well as product identification for recreational products.
Injection-molded plastic name plates and other components are produced by a machine that consists of three basic components:
  1. A mold which can be made to manufacture any size and shape that is needed.
  2. A clamping unit that clamps and holds the mold together throughout the whole process.
  3. An injection unit will then inject molten plastic into the mold, where it will remain until it has sufficiently cooled and released.

Injection molding manufacturing process:
The molten plastic used for injection-molded products is produced by melting small plastic pellets, which are fed into an injection machine heating the pellets to a molten or liquid form.

Once the now molten plastic pellets reach a predetermined temperature the semi liquid is forcefully injected into a mold. The speed and pressure of this process is controlled by a hydraulic cylinder that, once engaged, forces the liquid plastic into the mold.

In “dwell” phase of the plastic injection molding process, the plastic is left in the mold to ensure that it completely fills the mold and then allowed to cool to the point where it solidifies and the desired object is produced. It is then ready for secondary processes as decoration, sub assembly, or shipment.

The injection-molded plastic process allows manufacturers to produce custom plastic name plates and components that would be too costly to make as intricately by utilizing traditional machining methods. Injection-molded plastics also saves time and money by allowing many pieces of the same component to be made at the same time, from the same mold; each copy identical to the one before it. This process also reduces labor costs by minimizing the need for manual labor from employees. There is also nearly no wasted material, as any unused or left over plastic can be re-cycled to be reused in the process.

Application of injection molding:
In daily production or daily life, the vast majority of tools and products, which may be as large as the base of a machine, or as small as a screw, have close relation with injection molding. The shape of the mold determines the shape of the products. And the quality and precision of injection  molding process also determines the quality of the products. According to the materials, appearances, specifications and usages of products, injection molding are mainly divided into casting die, stamping die, plastic injection molding etc.
In recent years, with the rapid development of plastic industry and  the continuous improvement of the intensity and precision of engineering plastics, the application of plastic products is  expanding widely, such as household appliances, instrumentation, construction equipment, automobile industry, daily hardware and many other fields. As the proportion of plastic products is rapidly increasing, a reasonable design of plastic parts can typically replace a number of traditional metal parts.

About JasonMould Industrial Company Limited:
JasonMould Industrial Company Limited is a professional plastic injection molding  manufacturer for 3D Printing Rapid Prototyping Service, precision CNC milling service and custom CNC machining services, custom plastic injection molding or moulding company with mould and dies development and manufacturing.
JasonMould is in line with the enterprise spirit of technology advanced, high quality and efficiency, customer come first and good faith. In order to make the first-class quality of product , and provide the customers with satisfactory services, JasonMould:
  • Commits to continually improve employee skills and efficiency,
  • Provides our employees a clean and safe working environment,
  • Upgrades machine technology and support equipment through a strict maintenance program, and
  • Maintains customers’ tooling to its highest peak of performance
For more information, please visit: https://www.jasonmolding.com/

Person: James Yuan
Company: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited
Add:  LongGang Village,LongXi Town,BoLuo County,HuiZhou City,GuangDong Province, China
Tel: 86-752-6682869
Email: james@jasonmolding.com



As early as the 1860s, people were learning how to make and use plastics. Due to its flexibility when warm and ability to hold a shape when cool, plastic made it easier to create new products. Unfortunately, it was difficult to produce affordable, quality plastics that did not warp or break.
As manufacturers experimented with plastic polymers, small items became easier to produce in greater quantities. But it wasn’t until the 1940s, when demand for large amounts of inexpensive, mass-produced plastics rose, that the injection mold manufacturing industry really took off.
Injection mold manufacturing is a way to mass-produce products and product components for many different industries. Today, many mass-produced plastics are made using this process. Common examples of plastic products that the everyday consumer uses include combs and buttons. But more complex items are made too. Everything from vehicle parts to medical devices are often mass-produced using this process.
How Does It Work?
The idea is simple: Create a mold that can be used again and again to create exact replicas of the desired product. Originally associated with plastics, other materials including metal and glass are now used in this process.
The process is fairly simple as well. After an industrial engineer designs the product, a moldmaker creates a mold based on engineering specifications. The mold itself is usually made of steel or aluminum and attached to a press that holds it in place until the product is set.
To make the actual product, the plastic or other material is heated until it is pliable enough to be forced into the mold. Once in the mold, the press exerts force and holds the molding in place until the product sets and cools. The entire production is so perfectly engineered that there is usually no need to perform any additional work on the piece once it comes out of the mold.
The Impact of Injection Mold Manufacturing Today
Injection mold manufacturing has resulted in reduced cost in many industries. The ability to mass-produce items using a single design saves companies time and money over making each item or component at an individual level. This method of manufacturing has allowed companies to cut down on wasted materials while producing large amounts of the same item quickly and accurately.
The process has also proven highly useful in the recycling industry. Since the plastics and polymers must be melted down before they can be injected into the cast, used products, rejected parts and excess scrap parts can be melted down and reused in new products.
Although this type of manufacturing has many benefits, it is not suitable for every business. The start-up costs are high and custom-engineered casts are needed for every product that is created. They are best for companies that routinely produce large amounts of the same product over and over again because as production quantities rise, the cost of production per item decreases. For businesses that do not produce items on a large enough scale, the time and labour-saving benefits may not outweigh the costs.
                                                                                            By China mold maker

About JasonMould Industrial Company Limited:
JasonMould is one of the best plastic injection molding manufacturer that offer great services to their clients when it comes to manufacturing advanced molding tools. They export their tools to different parts of the world and have become one of the most famous names in the industrial sector.
Inquiry Contact:
Contact person: James Yuan
Company name: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited
Address: LongGang Village,LongXi Town,BoLuo County,HuiZhou City,GuangDong Province, China
Telephone: 86-752-6682869


Rapid prototyping is a well defined process of developing software wherein physical objects are automatically constructed by means of SFF or solid freeform fabrication. In the process of rapid prototyping, a prototype or working model can be constructed quickly, and tested for its functionality, performance and output. The new features or ideas can be illustrated well in the prototype and early user feedback can be gathered with regards to the product. There are numerous advantages of rapid prototyping.
The process is begun by using CAD, or computer aided design, or some other animation modeling software program to create a virtual design. This design will serve as the basis for the creation of the prototype or the model. This image is just the starting point but it is extremely necessary.
The virtual image is used and rapid prototyping begins the process by applying thin layers of sheet material, powder, or liquid to the cross sections. This process is repeated until the model takes form and the protocol is complete. The cross sections of the design will be fused together so they can complete the project. Once complete, the two models should appear to be almost identical.
Rapid prototyping was given its name because it allows the user to finish their model or prototype very quickly as opposed to traditional methods. To create one manually you would spend several hours or even several days to finish one item. If there are complexities involved in the model, it could take a large amount of time to get to the finished product if you were to do it manually.
Rapid prototyping allows the user to finish their product within only a few hours or less. It can take longer if the project is large or depending on the type of machine that is used for the project but it will be much quicker than doing it manually. The number of models that you want to create is another thing that will decide how long it will take to finish the project.
Sometimes it is necessary to use a solid freeform fabrication technique. This process makes use of two materials. One material will be used to create the prototype or model and the other will be used to support the model or prototype during creation. The material that is used to support it will be eliminated from the finished product with water, some other solvent, or with heat once the final product is complete.
If your intention is to mass produce an item on a large scale then it can be less expensive to use injection moulding. If you will be creating a limited number of items, it is much more cost effective to use the additive fabrication. According to experts, rapid prototyping is only the beginning. They believe that we will be using rapid manufacturing as for much larger projects as technology continues to advance.
When companies are able to incorporate rapid prototyping into their process they will be setting themselves up for success. When technology takes rapid prototyping to the next level, they will be well prepared to move into the next realm of progress.

About JasonMould Industrial Company Limited

Jasonmould is China profesional Plastic Injection MoldingManufacturer, die casting mould, plastic blow moulding, rotational moulding, medical plastic injection molding, two shot plastic injection molding, insert molding, overmoulding, metal injection molding, micro injection moulding, powder injection moulding, ceramic injection moulding, liquid injection moulding, husky injection moulding, household mold, casting mould, die mold tool, custom moulds, china moulds, rapid prototyping tooling, plastic prototyping tooling, punch press tooling, die and tooling for mobile/ cell phone parts, automotive parts, vacuum cleaners, rechargeable tools, telephones, copiers, computers, multimedia speakers, and many other electronic products and household appliances. And also a plastic product manufacturer- plastic parts, plastic water tank, plastic balls, plastic containers, plastic buckle, plastic anchor, plastic hanger, plastic spoon, plastic pipe fitting, plastic tumble, plastic tableware, plastic cups, plastic bottles, plastic tray, plastic cosmetic container, plastic case, plastic food container, plastic chairs, plastic caps, plastic cap closure, plastic tubes, plastic water pipes, plastic knobs, plastic tubing, plastic utility boxes, plastic racks and so on.
Contact person: James Yuan
Company name: JasonMould Industrial Company Limited
Address: LongGang Village,LongXi Town,BoLuo County,HuiZhou City,GuangDong Province, China
Telephone: 86-752-6682869
Email: info@jasonmolding.com
Website: https://www.jasonmolding.com